
OSB (Oriented Strand Board) 

We stock a wide range of OSB products to fit any job, including Northern and Southern OSB, Radiant Barrier, Struc 1, and T&G.  

Available Sizes



OSB Installation Guide

OSB Safety Data Sheet

OSB Specification Page

OSB T&G Specification Page

Struc 1 OSB Specification Page

Radiant Barrier Product Page

Radiant Barrier Specification Page

Edge Gold Product Page

Advantech Product Page



Information Request


Northern vs. Southern OSB

Northern OSB is made in the northern United States and Canada, but there are a few differences other than geography.

-Northern is made of hardwood timber (mostly Aspen) while Southern is made with almost entirely Southern Yellow Pine

-Northern OSB is a lighter board and easier to handle 

-Northern OSB packs more strands into each board giving it a tighter edge and surface

-Hardwood strands also soak up less moisture, so edge swell is reduced with Northern OSB.  

At the end of the day, both are structurally approved by the APA, but their subtle differences are something to keep in mind. 



Radiant Barrier Sheathing

Radiant barrier sheathing (RBS) is one of the simplest and most cost-effective solutions to reduce energy consumption in a home.  RBS is a roof sheathing product and uses a foil-like face to reflect the sun's radiant energy away from the house, thus cooling the attic and the overall home.  

On a typical two-story home, Radiant Barrier Sheathing costs roughly an additional $150 installed over regular OSB but can save 10-15% in energy consumption during the summer months.  

How It's Made: OSB

Installation Tips 

Wall Sheathing

Roof Sheathing